Leisure & Culture DOMAIN
Chapter 6 of the Teen Transition Planning Guide contains several “Key Domains”; these are different areas of a teen’s and family’s life that will likely need to be explored at some point in a family’s journey.
Here, our “Domain” pages list ALL of the resources on this website that are related to each specific domain. This information is a duplicate of the SAME information listed on other pages, such as on the Local Community page, or the “Province and National” pages, etc. It is duplicated here for convenience of being able to see all information sorted by domain.
To us “Lifestyle and Leisure” means all of the recreational opportunities available to the person. This includes clubs, sports, church and cultural activities. Activities may be designed specifically for persons with special needs or they may be community based activities at local recreation centres, etc.
The mission of the Canucks Autism Network is to provide high quality recreational, sports, social and vocational development programs for individuals and families living with autism and to build capacity through community networks across British Columbia.
Canucks Autism Network
Recreation Integration Victoria facilitates active lifestyles for People with
Disabilities and issues the “Leisure Pass” for discounted access to recreation
facilities in Victoria. Call 250-477-6314
Garth Homer Society’s ArtWorks is a unique visual arts program that serves
adults with developmental disabilities in the Greater Victoria area.